So, here goes...
- first, sang Las Mananitas to them in bed to wake them up
- they gave each other "their" gifts (that I picked out, but which they praised one another for giving them "just what I wanted!")
- they were surprised as they came downstairs and saw all the little balloons that I blew up the night before (and for which I had sore cheeks for two days) and a few little gifts from us
then they chose eggs in a nest with berries, syrup and bananas for their birthday breakfast
- then he showed me his leprechaun trap at school (although his was "more of a hotel" because he didn't want to trap the leprechaun so much as he wanted to "make it feel so comfortable that it would stay on its own" -- hmm...think I've been to that hotel!)
- then I personally dropped off their Edible Arrangements fruit bouquets in time for morning snack to avoid the extra $12 surcharge apiece
they had enough fruit leftover at the end of the day to share with their afternoon chess class -- note to self: a smaller bouquet won't make it any less special next year, Ms. CannotContainHerself!
- then met Mommy at our favorite little restaurant where they got fawned over by everyone because it was only obvious it was their birthday because they insisted on bringing in their giant mylar happy birthday balloons in order to advertise it!
- and for his special birthday lunch he special ordered a bowl of their new potatoes and a bowl of refried beans, and they totally catered to him
- then one of our favorite waiters was fiddling with Chago's balloon and accidentally set it free ("I hope it pops!" Chago said, with a pout on his face, so that no one else could enjoy it.)
- then they got called out at karate by their Chief Instructor for yet another Happy Birthday serenade (maybe the 5th one that day)
And the Instructor asked him, "Santiago, are you different today?" Hoping, probably, that he would say no, but he's one of those kids that always jumps to the punchline before the joke's over, and he says, very matter-of-factly, "Yes, I'm 7 today."
- then I stopped by the grocery store to replace his escaped balloon, and the only one he would even consider was this gigantic mylar 4-leaf-clover that said "Kiss me, I'm Irish," which he just thought was hilarious because, you know, he's Mexican!!
- then we stopped by the local ice creamery for a school fundraiser and they each got a single-scoop cone, which i was forced, oh, yes, FORCED to hold and lick all the way home. Hey, someone had to do it. It's a brand new vehicle, people.
- then they played with all their new spy gear and had alarms beeping and blue goggles flashing and very uber-secret message writing all over the place
- then they opened some great gifts and cards from Tia Sonia and Lizzy (thank you cards are on their way)
- the UPS guy still has their gift from Grammy Marie, which, from the card, sounds like it may be a real live keyboard...with volume...and speakers...and everything! (will update later with video)
then we had dinner and angel food cake with berries, candles, and lots more singing for dessert
- and, finally, we read their new bday books at bedtime, Someday
and On the Night You Were Born
, which, apparently, made him have a complete meltdown about never ever ever ever wanting to leave home ("not even when I'm 18," he said very specifically), and then he proceeded to mourn our impending deaths (you know, like 50 years from now), and then there was just no stopping him, and he cried about Ryce dying (she hasn't yet), and Saia going off to school, and having to sort through all his toys to give away the least used items to charity, and it just went on and on, eventually ending with, "[sniff, sniff] I just can't believe my birthday ended on such a saaaaaaad note."
- oh, god, i really just need to soak in a vat of margaritas with a giant swirly straw. happy st. frickin' patrick's day.
And just in case you didn't quite get enough, here they are singing Happy themselves:
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