Monday, March 05, 2007


"Let's go, kiddos, we're running late!" I say as I'm physically ushering them out onto the porch.

Usually, this is where I go back into the house, close the door behind me, set the alarm, and then rejoin them on the porch as the alarm sets. But as this happened to be a Saturday, and we don't always tend to set the alarm on the weekend if we're just running into the village for a quick errand or trying to meet up with Mommy for lunch, I was just trying to get us out the door and into the vehicle as quickly as possible.


As we start our descent down the stairs, down the sidewalk, and over to the truck, all of a sudden (and yes, at the top of his lungs), my little man -- ever the vigilant protector -- decides to yell, "BUT MAMA, YOU FORGOT TO SET THE ALARM!!!!!"

Yes, well. There you go.

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