Friday, August 19, 2005

Tug, Tug, Tug of War

So, Saia's latest thing is ignoring us when we call her. All of us. Particularly when she's being summoned because she's in trouble. Wednesday night we had a huge blow out. I asked them both to climb into bed. She flat out ignored me. After negotiating with her for a good 10 minutes, she finally climbed in, but then wouldn't lay down. Another 5 minutes talking to the brick wall and then she wouldn't keep her covers on. A couple more minutes of reasoning and then I was done. "If you want the colcha back on, you're going to have to do it yourself, Saia. It's time for you to go to sleep now. No more talking please," and I turned out the light and closed the door. Not two minutes later she's screaming bloody murder. "What is it, Saia?" I ask knowing full well what this is about. "PUT MY COLCHA ON ME, MAMA!" "No, ma'm. I'd already asked you several times if you wanted it and you told me 'no'. I put it on you once and you kicked it off. Now if you want it, you'll have to do it yourself." "Please don't say no ma'm, Mama." "I'm sorry, Saia. Go to sleep." "NO, MAMA! [wild screaming ensues] "Saia," I say when I come back in for the 3rd time, "if Mama has to come back in once more to quiet you down, one of your babies is going in the garbage." "NO, MAMA!!! NOT MY BABIES!!!" [screaming for 15 minutes...alternating between 'put my colcha on' and ' don't take my babies']

Eventually, she loses a baby, covers herself, sleeps through the night, and earns a sticker the next day. But how am I going to do this for 16 more years?

1 comment:

Jo Anna Guerra said...

Dear Aunt Missy,
Of all the things you've most likely been called in your lifetime, we're almost certain "short-winded" has never been one of them. ;)

We love and miss you, too. Come visit soon!! XOXO to everyone - especially Skippy!