Thursday, October 20, 2005


No, not those F words -- get your mind out of the gutter. This is a family blog! :P

While doing his business this morning, he's chatting with his Mommy and explaining that he's going to learn the letter 'F' today, which can't be true because they only do letters on Tuesdays at school. But Mommy asks him if he knows any words that start with the letter 'F', to which he replies, "Fuh-fuh-FISH!" "Great job, son, anything else?" "Fuh-fuh-FROG!" "Good. Any more?" "Fuh-fuh-FOULFELLOW! [villainous character from Pinocchio]". And then he gets distracted and begins listing other villains he knows: "Maleficent [Snow White]...the shark [Nemo]...the Siamese Cats...[Lady and the Tramp]....what else, Mommy?"

"Mmm..." ponders Mommy as she brushes her teeth. "Mommy? Name another villain," he demands as he begins to unfurl the toilet paper YET AGAIN. "Mmm...I'm thinking, son," she mumbles with a mouthful of toothpaste. "Well," he urges, "think louder please."

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