Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Bad day at school yesterday.

One time-out for Chago. THREE time-outs for Saia. All T.O.s were for not listening.

So, we talked all the way home about what happened and why. We talked about the consequences and how they would have to give up a babydoll/stuffed animal for every T.O. as soon as we got home. There was a little pouting, a little no, mama, no, and a lot of what I took for genuine understanding and accountability.

And then they traipsed right up the stairs, ran to their rooms, snatched up their favorite toys from their beds, and chucked them into the garbage without a sniffle or a second glance.

"Can we watch The Secret of Nimh now, Mama?"

Ugh. I just can't seem to get this right.

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