Saturday, April 25, 2009


Prompted by a Facebook friend to attend the annual Petaluma Butter & Egg Day Parade, I geared up the whole family (and Amy's not one to easily gear up for outings), and off we went.

The day was nice.  The drive was pleasant.  Really wanted to detour every single time we saw a sign for Sonoma and Napa...but we stuck to our guns (much to Amy's dismay), and arrived just in time to fight for parking near the parade route.

Thinking there would be a whole lot more of, oh, I don't know, butter and eggs, I was a little disappointed in the utter non-dairiness of the parade floats.  This year's theme was Recycle, Reuse, Rethink, but, well, every single float was being pulled by a semi-truck.  And let's not forget the "Old Car Imports," which were, like 6 old VW bugs spouting black smoke into the air and wasting all sorts of non-ecofriendly gas.

But there was definitely some cuteness to be had.

And then the very best part was, as always for me, the bands.  From the little community band, to the Jr. High band, to the very fancy schmancily dressed high school band, in what appeared to be a sort of Scottish get-up, although they were very clearly called the Casa Grande Gauchos.  Hmmm. 

No pic of the "Gauchos" here because I was standing there very confused, mouth agape for much too long. So, instead, a pic of the very cool mobile gymnast for your entertainment.]

Nevertheless, the day ended with KettleKorn and bouncy houses, so all was well in the world of Saia and Chago.

And it was a good day indeed.

And the drive home, although 3 times as long due to some Macktruckian falling asleep at the wheel and blocking both lanes of the two-lane highway, was gorgeous and full of picture-taking opportunities.  Especially once the monsters fell asleep for a very-rare-these-days afternoon nap.

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